For several years now, we have seen a trend of the equipment found in kitchens coming to resemble more and more that which you would find in a chemistry lab. The use of ultrasonic baths, liquid nitrogen, and freeze-drying (lyophilization) is mostly limited to fancy restaurants where they want to […]
Do you have too many things filling up your schedule for the day and not enough time to cook meals? Or maybe you just want to prepare a delicious Asian dish to serve to friends? Either way, we have you covered! Rice noodles and vegetables is the dish for you! […]
Have you ever found yourself wondering about the botany behind some of the veggies on your plate? Some of them look so different, while others are quite similar. Though broccoli and cauliflower look somewhat similar, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi, and kale all have unique appearances different from these plants. That […]
Now that December is here, we all know that the holiday season is just around the corner! No matter what holidays you may celebrate, this is a time for socialising and celebrating. And what are the two main ingredients for a good holiday season? good company and great food, of […]
Today we take your taste buds on a journey to the Balkan Peninsula in southeast Europe for a tasty and nutritious traditional dish based on one of our favourite foods: beans! This is generally seen as a winter dish, but who is to say when we can and cannot eat […]
A little while ago, we had a guest here at Hungry Pumpkin: Martina from Brno in the Czech Republic. As we like to acquaint ourselves with other cultures (especially through food), we asked her what some traditional Czech dishes are, and she suggested bramboraky to us. If you type this […]
For today’s meal we decided to mix things up a bit and combine two different cultures into one yummy meal; from the East of the Mediterranean we borrowed a stuffed zucchini dish, while we took gazpacho from the West. Our decision for the gazpacho was a result of a happy […]
We don’t know about you, but for us sunny weather is a time when we like to be outside as much as possible enjoying the fresh air. That also means as little time as possible stuck in a kitchen! Today we prepared an easy lunch that kept us in the […]
Up until now we have been limited in the Hungry Pumpkin kitchen. We have boiled and stewed and fried and sizzled, but only having a stovetop to cook on has placed a boundary on what we were able to do. Today, however, we have some good news: the Hungry Pumpkin […]