Today we take you on a culinary trip, this time exploring the Hungarian city of Szeged through one of the nation’s most famous dishes: Szegedin goulash. This special dish involves a combination of sauerkraut and paprika, and often contains meat. Obviously we opted to make a vegan version of this […]
sweet paprika
3 posts
After getting a big squash from our home garden, we decided something had to be done with it! We settled on making a sort of squash goulash. Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) and its seeds contain many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, E, C, B2, as well as minerals such […]
Autumn is the time of year when many edible fruits ripen in nature. Perhaps the most famous example in certain parts of the world are chestnuts, though wild apples, hazelnuts, and black thorns are on the list too. Mushroom picking is also popular in this season. Today’s sauce was made […]